
As a Church we have a vision to serve our community with a message of Hope, Truth and Love. We are a contemporary and active Church, motivated by our faith in God and our conviction that Christianity remains as relevant today as ever. We are a Church that believes in the importance of actively meeting the practical needs of those in our local community. Through our various programs and projects we are able to make a real difference in people’s lives. Fountain has a strong focus on partnering with others in the community.

Most importantly, we are a Christian Church. We believe the Bible is God’s Word and that it shows us how to live as God designed. We have seen many lives transformed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are passionate about our love for God, the difference He has made in our own lives, and we can’t help but share that with those around us. Our Church is constantly growing and we love visitors. We encourage you to come and see for yourself what God is doing at Fountain of Life

Sheriff/Gonam Pillay – Senior Pastor